Sunday, February 13, 2011

more nostalgia... the first is a corner near home, the other I took because the Coca Cola/ Pepsi opposites caught my eye


  1. Wow, I really like these. Especially the first one.

    That sky is so blue.

    Did you use a filter or photoshop or is that the natural color?

  2. Hey, thanks for the comment.
    All I did was darken the shadows a bit to bring out the natural color, it was a beautiful storm cloud day.

  3. Great effects! May I know what camera and lenses you are using?

  4. Thanks! I actually don't know as much about cameras/lenses as I'd like to, all these shots were taken with my little J38 Fujifilm 12.2 megapixel cam.

  5. Amazing! Little cam or big camera... It doesn't matter. Shows you've got a lot of talent n skill!

  6. Thank you :) Oh but musn't forget- also need lots of patience for macros!
